Dadido - Task Management App to help people organize their ideal lifestyles


Self-initated Project


UX Research, UX Design, Wireframes & Prototype


4 weeks



Understanding the Problem

In an era where productivity tools are essential for managing work and personal tasks, our challenge was to understand and address the complexities of task management for young, busy professionals. We recognized the need for a tool that not only organizes tasks but also aligns with the lifestyle and technological habits of our target users.

What is Productivity?

Target Group

We conducted a survey to identify the types of users would use productivity tools and to understand the situations in which they use them. Following the survey, we recruited participants for interviews with screen-walkthrough to gain deeper insights into their pain points and user journeys.

Something interesting that we found?

An interviewee used diverse methods for task management reveal a universal quest for a balance between simplicity and functionality. Further, different types of tasks demand distinct management tools and the implications of insufficient categorization in record-keeping.
➽ Task Timeliness
• Short-term, Immediate Tasks → Need for quick and simple tools
• Long-term, Repetitive Tasks → Require structured, comprehensive tools

➽ Categorization Deficit in Record-Keeping
• Reliance on Titles or Basic Content → Leads to memory dependence
• Consequence → Forgetting tasks and information, hindering task completion

Uncover Insights by employing Grouded Theory

We employed grounded theory to code interview data, uncovering insights into productivity and tool needs at three levels: emotional, experiential, and functional.

Mindset Level

True productivity transcends tools; without a real desire for efficiency, tools alone won't suffice.

Experience Level

Control and Goal Clarity: Enabling clear visualization of immediate tasks and future goals.

Product Complexity: The challenge lies in balancing feature richness with a steep learning curve and preventing tool fragmentation.

Functional Use Level

Task Management: Capturing easily forgettable details, prioritizing, and decomposing tasks for manageability.

Time Management: Offering timely reminders and comprehensive calendar views.

Collaborative Features: Facilitating shared use and teamwork.

The Golden Circle for our solution

Must-Have Features

Task Prioritization

Tasks are organized based on time sensitivity, importance, and current status, with a key focus on identifying and arranging critical tasks rather than just managing them.

Task Categorization

Enhance task management and reduce confusion through effective labeling and categorization, ensuring tasks are easily distinguishable and accessible.

Task Breakdown

Decomposing complex tasks into smaller, actionable steps for clearer planning and execution


Decomposing complex tasks into smaller, actionable steps for clearer planning and execution

Design System

- Coming soon -

A more detailed close-up of the features and design system will be added soon! If you are interested in this project or eager to learn more of the coming content, please feel free to reach out, and I will be happy to show you. :)